You’ve just discovered you’re pregnant. Now what?

This may be one of your first thoughts once finding out you are pregnant. You may also have no idea what to expect - especially if the pregnancy was unplanned. Discovering an unplanned pregnancy can be quite terrifying. Here’s what you can expect during your first trimester of pregnancy. - Read More

Are you pregnant and considering adoption? Maybe you’re just wondering how the whole adoption process works. No matter where you’re at in your adoption decision, we’re here for you. Because every woman and situation is unique, the adoption coordinators at AdoptList will help you create an adoption plan that works for you. - Read More

Placing a baby for adoption isn’t right for everyone. But for some women facing an unplanned pregnancy it’s the best option. There is no single reason why birthmothers choose adoption for their baby. But knowing your options and becoming educated about adoption is the best way to know for sure.

It’s never too late to choose adoption. Whether you just found out you are pregnant or just delivered the baby, AdoptList can help you create an adoption plan. If you’re still not sure if adoption is right for you, consider these questions. - Read More

If you are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy you might be feeling scared, confused or unsure about what your next step should be. Will you parent? Will you place your baby for adoption? The path you choose will depend on your own unique circumstances. Parenting and adoption each present their own challenges and benefits. Educating yourself on your options is the only way to know for sure which path is right for you. - Read More