Are you pregnant and considering adoption? Maybe you’re just wondering how the whole adoption process works. No matter where you’re at in your adoption decision, we’re here for you. Because every woman and situation is unique, the adoption coordinators at AdoptList will help you create an adoption plan that works for you.

1. Contact an Adoption Counselor

You have already taken this first step by contacting us at AdoptList. If you haven't contacted an adoption counselor, now is the time. Even if you decide to parent, understanding your options is the best way to make a decision. The adoption coordinators at AdoptList will walk you through the process while offering support and guidance along the way.

2. Find an Adoptive Family

There are thousands of families hoping to adopt a baby - and AdoptList only works with adoptive parents who are legally approved to adopt a child. Browse our online adoptive family profiles and start searching for the family that is right for you. Once you have found a family your adoption coordinator will you assist you in setting up an initial meeting or phone call.

3. Create an Adoption Plan

This is integral to the adoption process. You will need to decide whether or not you'd like to pursue an open adoption or closed adoption. From there, you will decide how open you want the adoption to be, how often you will see or speak to the adoptive family and many other things.

4. Meet the Adoptive Parents

This isn't right for every birthmother, but often times the birthmother and adoptive parents meet face to face. While you can learn a lot from an adoptive parent profile, a one-on-one meeting is the best way to get a true sense for who the family is and their passion for adopting. Of course, your adoption attorney or adoption social worker will accompany you to this meeting.

5. Create a Birth Plan

Who will be at the hospital with you? What are you taking with you for your hospital stay? Who will be in the delivery room? Would you like the adoptive parents to be there?

6. Create a Post-Adoption Plan

It's a good idea for every birthmother placing a baby for adoption to have a post adoption plan. Will you return to school or work? Will you join an adoption group? Your adoption counselor will help you decide how and where to move forward after the adoption.

Never hesitate to contact us for additional information. Our caring, experienced adoption counselors are always here for support and will provide you with information you can trust. We’re here to answer any questions you may have as you take your next steps.