- Category: Placing a Baby for Adoption
Birthparents quickly learn that there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. For a birthfather, pregnancy can seem all about the birthmother. They may even have trouble distinguishing their role in the whole thing. Both the birthmother and father should do their best to act fairly and as partners. That means discussing what you need/expect from one another and sticking to your words.
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- Category: Placing a Baby for Adoption
While it's true that open adoption has become the trend in modern adoptions, it doesn't mean that it is right for every birthmother. Before choosing an open adoption it's important to understand it. Every open adoption is different, and your open adoption will be different from those you have heard or read about.
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- Category: Placing a Baby for Adoption
You're thinking about placing your baby for adoption. That's great! But of course it's not that simple. What's involved in the process? What do you need to do? What do you need to think about? What steps do you need to take? Overwhelmed yet? Don't worry - we're here for you. Placing a baby for adoption is different for every birthmother. However, there are some simple steps that every woman should consider to prepare for adoption. - Read More

- Category: Placing a Baby for Adoption
If you’re experiencing an unplanned pregnancy you might be having trouble confiding in your family; especially if you’re considering adoption. But speaking to your family is important for both you and them.
Your family can be a great support system. But they can’t support you until you open up about your pregnancy and adoption plans. They may not be receptive at first, but if you approach the subject with ease you might be surprised at how understanding they can be.
Here are some guidelines to speaking to your family about adoption: - Read More

- Category: Placing a Baby for Adoption
When you look back on your adoption plan years from now, you want to feel like you made the right choice. You can achieve this by thinking it over thoroughly, comparing your options, and talking to family, friends and adoption social workers. But what if you’re still unsure? What if your feelings change? What if things come up that you never expected?
It’s difficult to be 100% prepared to place your baby for adoption. But with the right guidance and support, you’ll be pretty close. Here are three things to know before placing your baby for adoption. - Read More