Dear Birthmom

Dear Expectant Mother,

Thank you for bringing this child into the world. Pregnancy is a beautiful phenomenon, and you are bringing a miracle into this world. No matter what, you will always be your child’s mom. You have loved this child and taken care of this child in a way we cannot compare to. You are a great mom for taking the time to think about what is best for you and for your child. You are a strong woman who deserves the best in life. We know this is a difficult decision, and we want you to know how thankful we are for you. We know you’ve spent a lot of time considering your decision, and we hope we can show you how much your consideration means to us.

This choice gives us a way to expand our family in the best way possible. The adoption process has helped us explore our relationship and excitement for parenthood in a unique and rewarding way. We waited a long time to decide to adopt a child, and without you, our dream would never come true. With Amy’s experience as an adopted child herself, we can only hope we can provide a loving home filled with compassion, creativity, and trust, as you would have.

Amy & Dan

Our Story

We’re Dan and Amy! We love to travel, watch movies, hang out with our kitties, and spend time with friends. Amy is a special education teacher and has been teaching for over ten years. She’s worked with students with a variety of different disabilities and finds joy in those “a-ha” moments. Dan works part-time in a warehouse for a DJ company and also sells used video games. Dan loves to play video games and hopes to share his passion with our future child. Dan is planning on being a stay-at-home dad and is looking forward to spending lots of quality time with our child. Our favorite thing to do is to find a new movie we haven’t seen and cuddle on the couch with our cats, Oakley and Jasper. Amy loves to sew, draw, and travel and has shown Dan how much fun traveling can be.

 Our Extended Family

Amy is an only child who enjoys spending time with her cousins. Every Thanksgiving, we travel to Pennsylvania to see Amy’s cousins to celebrate and catch up. Amy keeps in touch with her family across the country through FaceTime and email when traveling is not an option. Amy’s parents have recently become snowbirds and spend half the year down south and half the year in New England.

Dan has a brother and sister. Dan is very close with his parents and sister, and we get together at least once a month for a cookout or lunch. Dan’s sister lives less than 30 minutes away, and his parents live about 40 minutes away. Dan and his family talk several times a week, if not every day. Dan’s mom and sister love to shop for antiques with Amy and catch up near the pool.

 Our Home

We have a three-bedroom home in a town in Massachusetts. Our school district just recently built a new high school, and we also have a tech/vocational school close to us to give kids more choices and opportunities for their future. We live on a quiet street in our neighborhood, and we’ve gotten to know our neighbors well. We have two cats, Oakley (17) and Jasper (1). Amy has had Oakley for 11 years, and he’s always been a lap cat. He loves to sit on our laps when we’re watching TV and loves even more to sleep with us in our bedroom. Jasper is very close to his brother, Oakley, and they cuddle often. Jasper is a sweetheart who loves attention.

 Our Journey to Adoption

We decided early in our relationship that we did not want biological children. We knew how important of a decision it was to have children, and we wanted to make sure we were ready to make the commitment. Amy was adopted as an infant and felt it was important that she continue on with the tradition. We talked at length about where we saw our lives going, and welcoming a child into our home is a chapter we are excited for!

 Fun Facts

About Amy

M.Ed. in severe special ed
Favorite Hobby
Sewing, reading, baking
Favorite Sport
Favorite Music Group
Boys Like Girls
Favorite TV Show
Daria, CSI: Las Vegas, Criminal Minds
Favorite Subject in School
English, science
Favorite Tradition
Celebrating Thanksgiving in PA

About Dan

B.A. in marketing
Favorite Hobby
Video games
Favorite Sport
Baseball, football
Favorite Music Group
The Midnight
Favorite TV Show
Father Ted, IT Crowd, Family Guy
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Christmas at Dan’s parents’ house

Contact Amy & Dan

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