Dear Birthmom

Hello from the North Carolina mountains! It’s difficult to know what to say right now. We don’t know what you’re feeling, but we know you are an incredible woman of strength and love. Life can be complicated, and what you are considering has the power to change people’s lives. We have dreamed of becoming parents but didn’t know if that dream could ever be a reality.

Here is a bit about us: We both love hiking and spending time outdoors. When at home, we like to spend time eating together, playing games, cuddling our two cats and pup, and watching TV (Logan likes Wheel of Fortune, but there are Netflix shows we can agree on, like The Walking Dead). We also appreciate learning about different cultures and have aspirations to learn Spanish. We hope to pass on our love of life and love of others to your child.

We realize you probably have a lot of questions; we are ready and open to continue the conversation. There are no words sufficient to express the amount of gratitude we have for you in our hearts. Thank you for taking the time to look through our profile.

Our Story

We first met at a Gay/Straight Alliance meeting during our final year of college. We bonded as friends sharing a passion for justice in our world. We spent more and more time together, and shortly after graduating, we started dating! Fourteen years later, we are so thankful to share this amazing life together. We live in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina, where Logan is a priest in the Episcopal church. Corey is a voice teacher and opera singer who loves sharing her love for singing by helping her students find their own unique voice. Corey enjoys gardening and being creative. She’s a master organizer and enjoys reading and journaling. Logan finds his outlets through practicing photography, weightlifting, and working on puzzles. Much of our family lives close by, so we spend time with them regularly. We love to go on hikes together and end our day walking our pup, Remy.

 Our Extended Family

Logan is the youngest of five siblings. His oldest sister has been like a second mom to him. Logan’s brother is quiet but has a heart of gold. He has two other sisters closer in age; sadly, one of his sisters is no longer with us. We miss her dearly, and she is always in our hearts. We spend lots of time with Logan’s closest sibling in age and her son, often playing games or bike riding. Logan’s family loves to laugh. We have five nieces and nephews on Logan’s side, and we love spending time with them.

Corey was raised by a strong single mom. She has a younger brother who lives near us. Corey is very close to her mom. She also has a wonderful step-dad and three younger step-sisters in college. Christmas is a very special time for Corey’s family. We have many traditional family games and lots of traditional food and cookies we make from old family cookbooks.

 Our Home

Our home is unique and located near the church where Logan works. It is a short drive to the downtown area of our friendly small town but far enough to appreciate the quietness of the country. Our home sits up on a hill where we can watch the sunrise each morning and watch as it sets over the ridge of our neighbor’s horse pasture and dairy farm. Our neighbors are friendly, and we take care of one another. Our home is filled with cuddly fur babies: Remy, Cooper, and Madison. Remy is an energetic and lovable boxer. Cooper and Madison (our cats) think themselves to be the real bosses of the house. They are senior kitties, so we let them believe what they want!

 Our Journey to Adoption

We both feel called to adoption. We even discussed it early in our relationship. Being a queer couple, we knew building a family would look different for us. Adoption is the way we feel called to become parents. Knowing you are loved and then to share that love is the core of our faith and values. Love has the ability to cast out fear. It is not restricted or bound. It can extend beyond barriers and should be shared freely. Love is a gift and one we don’t take lightly. We can imagine no deeper love than parenthood. It is our dream to provide a home filled with unconditional love and support, where a child will know without question that they are always safe.

 Fun Facts

About Corey

Master’s in voice performance
Favorite Hobby
Favorite Sport
Favorite Music Group
Lady Gaga
Favorite TV Show
The Walking Dead
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Christmas cookie making

About Logan

Favorite Hobby
Favorite Sport
Favorite Music Group
Elton John
Favorite TV Show
Grace & Frankie
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Cooking & eating

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