Dear Birthmom

To Our Angel:

We want you to know we think so very highly of you. The path you are considering is not an easy one but one filled with self-sacrifice and love. The courage it takes to make hard decisions is so painful sometimes, and yet the outcome itself can be such a beautiful one. You are such a strong and beautiful woman. Thank you seems too weak, yet we have no other words. Thank you for considering giving us hope and the opportunity to grow our family.

We think of you and the little one you are carrying and pray for you often. We pray that the Lord will bless you and give you peace and comfort and that the baby will grow strong and healthy. We thank the Lord daily for you.

The paths we have walked have been long. Sometimes it has been hard to see ahead, but we know our path has crossed yours, and we feel so extremely blessed. We promise, should you choose us, to raise your baby in a loving home. We will teach him or her about Jesus and will raise him or her as a strong, independent individual. We will share stories of you and the sacrifice you made to make us a family. We will spend Friday nights together making pizza and Saturdays at the beach making memories. We will be surrounded by church family and extended family. We promise your baby will always be loved with unconditional love.

Our Story

We are James and Angela. We met at college in Florida 14 years ago, after a history class. That was the only part of history class we remember.

 Our Extended Family

Our extended family means so much to us. James has five brothers of whom he is the youngest. We have nine nieces and nephews who we love spending time with. We often travel out of state to visit the other brothers and nieces and nephews. Having a large extended family keeps things fun and adventurous. It is never boring around here. Thanksgiving around the table is a tradition we look forward to every year.

Angela’s family lives out of state, but they visit often. Angela has one brother, and he has a wife and two children. Their boys can’t wait to have a cousin to play with. Christmas with Angela’s family is always the best. She has almost 30 cousins, who now have kids and families of their own. We all gather together during Christmas. It is always filled with games, memories, and reflection on how truly blessed we are.

 Our Home

Our home is our haven. We live in a four-bedroom, three-bathroom home in a beautiful community in the country. We were able to put in our own hard work and effort to make this house our dream home. We love waking up every morning and seeing the sun come up over the fields. We are so excited to share our haven with your sweet child and can’t wait to make many special memories here.

 Our Journey to Adoption

Our road to adoption has been a hard but beautiful one. We began our journey ten years ago and, through many disappointments, found out Angela had endometriosis. We have faced many years of infertility, but it has brought us to a point where we are now so grateful to be. We know adoption is right for us and feel completely called to this place. The hope adoption gives us that we may become a family is the best gift anyone could give.

 Fun Facts

About James

Bachelor's Degree
Favorite Hobby
Favorite Sport
Favorite Music Group
Walker Hayes
Favorite TV Show
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Cape Cod Vacations

About Angela

Bachelor's Degree
Favorite Hobby
Favorite Sport
Favorite Music Group
Elevation Worship
Favorite TV Show
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Christmas in Minnesota

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