Dear Birthmom

We are thankful for how strong and brave you are. We can only imagine how difficult this decision is, and we want you to know we support you as well as your baby. We are honored and very thankful that our family is being considered by you.

We want you to know your child will be safe and comforted, and we will instill our values upon them while ensuring they grow up having everything you would wish for. If you choose us to be your child’s adoptive parents, they will discover the world, learn, and be surrounded by family and friends who will show just as much love to them. Your child will grow up in a home full of love and with neighbor children to play with as well as dogs to cuddle with. We will share our passion for education with your child and ensure they get every opportunity to reach their goals. Our family will open their arms and ensure your baby is loved.

We would be honored to have your child join in our family traditions while creating our own. We wish you the best with making one of the hardest decisions for your child. If you should choose us, please know we are going to raise your child to be a strong, loving individual who would only make you proud.

Our Story

We are Sarah and Matt. We are both high school teachers and coaches. Sarah loves to exercise and cook and is kind-hearted. Matt is always up for a laugh, loves to play baseball, and is a kid at heart. Sarah is a biology teacher, and Matt is a business teacher. We love to joke that we both teach “real life” classes. We both enjoy spending time with our families as well as our friends. We enjoy traveling as well as playing board games at the dining room table. We have two dogs, Abe and Tucker whom we enjoy cuddling with on the couch and we enjoy taking them on walks.

 Our Extended Family

Sarah’s mother and stepfather live in the same town as us. They love to cook during holidays and have summer barbeques. Our special tradition with them is getting together on holidays and spending time as a family. Sarah’s father and stepmother live in a different state but call weekly and visit. Sarah’s sister is in the military and lives on the East Coast. It is a yearly tradition to either travel to see her or she travels to come see us. Sarah has multiple aunts and uncles who live in town, and we get together with them often.

Matt’s mother is retired and lives in Arizona but visits several times per year. Matt’s father passed away in 2021. He was a tremendous role model for how to be a loving, caring father. Matt’s sister and her husband reside in Colorado with their son. Matt has many aunts, uncles, and cousins throughout the Midwest. Large family gatherings happen every few months, and there is never a dull moment. One of our favorite traditions is every couple of years we take an extended family vacation where we enjoy group meals, spend time together at the beach, and have as much fun as possible.

 Our Home

Our home is in the heart of an amazing neighborhood filled with kids. We live in a two story, 3 bed/ 2.5 bath home with a large fence in the backyard. We are two minutes away from one of the best elementaries in town and three minutes away from two different parks. Our house is full of windows and has the perfect space for our child's playroom.

 Our Journey to Adoption

We have watched Matt’s aunt adopt three children and the joy and love that it has brought to their family. We cannot wait to have that joy when we adopt ours. Unfortunately, we cannot have biological children, but it hasn’t stopped our dreams of becoming parents through adoption. We know there is a baby waiting to be held in our arms and join our family.

 Fun Facts

About Sarah

BA Secondary Science Education
Favorite Hobby
Running, paddleboarding, kayaking, gardening, crafting
Favorite Sport
Running, biking, CrossFit
Favorite TV Show
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Looking at christmas lights with family

About Matt

BBA Secondary Education and Marketing/Management
Favorite Hobby
Baseball, running, trivia, puzzles
Favorite Sport
Baseball, basketball, running
Favorite TV Show
The Simpsons
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Holiday Gatherings and family vacations

Contact Sarah & Matt

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