Dear Birthmom

We wanted to start by saying thank you for taking the time to consider us. We know you face a difficult decision, and we do not envy you this task. We want to express our gratitude for even considering us. We have been married for 15 years, and having a family and experiencing learning with a child has always been our dream. This was not possible for us through conventional means, and your decision may give us the opportunity to fulfill our dreams. We cannot thank you enough for that.

We know life has a habit of throwing curveballs at the best of times, and we want to make sure you understand that the life we seek to give your child is not one free from worry or care but one where we give them the tools to handle the unexpected. We know there will be trials, and it's important to build on what you have learned from experience. We cannot promise to be perfect parents, but we can promise to be loving, caring, and understanding.

Jeremiah’s father was adopted, and he always said he never felt abandoned; he felt chosen. We will never mislead or deceive our future child and want to help build understanding and compassion. We want to make sure our child feels chosen and knows everyone who is part of their existence worked to give them the best opportunity in life that they could.

In gratitude,
Jeremiah & Rachel

Our Story

Jeremiah works as a software analyst, spending his days troubleshooting problems and supporting team members. He spends his off time painting miniatures, 3D printing, and writing stories for fun or Dungeons and Dragons. Rachel works for one of the local libraries shelving and organizing the collection. This plays into her interests as she spends much of her free time reading, averaging over 150 books a year. Additionally, she crafts in a variety of ways, painting miniatures, crocheting, and even binding her own books. We met through the shared interest of playing Dungeons and Dragons; this hobby has continued throughout our relationship and is something we continue to share with close friends. Also, we have a variety of board games we play often, and we regularly host crafting events to try out all kinds of things. As a way to help out our community, we foster kittens.

 Our Extended Family

Jeremiah has two brothers and two sisters. While his brothers don’t have any children currently, his sisters have multiple children. They don’t live close by, but they do try to visit regularly and we regularly chat, sharing things we have done, seen, or read.

Rachel’s parents and one of her brothers are local, and we regularly have dinner and play board games with them. Rachel’s other brother has daughters, and while they do not live close by, we do have regular contact with them.

We have several close friends who come over every couple of weeks just to play board games or Dungeons and Dragons. We also regularly host crafting days where we invite friends and family over just to try something new; we have tie dyed, made bath bombs, and even made paintings.

 Our Home

Our house has both cats and a dog. Our cats are loving and playful, spending their time sleeping and staring out the windows and chirping at birds. Several friends have regularly stated that our dog is the happiest dog they have ever met; he loves everyone he meets. We live in a quiet neighborhood that is only 15-30 minutes away from almost anything we would want to do, including museums, the zoo, stadiums, and convention centers. The school district we are in is one where the teachers are some of the highest paid in the state, and it is more highly rated than surrounding districts.

 Our Journey to Adoption

We have had a long journey to adoption. We spent several years attempting to diagnose any underlying medical conditions and attempting a few different methods of fertility treatments. Once we realized that was not going to work out, we spent time deciding on the best course of action for us. After a long discussion with family (Jeremiah’s father was actually adopted), we realized this was the right choice for us to build our family.

 Fun Facts

About Jeremiah

High school diploma
Favorite Hobby
Gaming, painting, resin, 3D printing
Favorite Sport
Football, hockey, ice skating
Favorite TV Show
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Cookouts and lots of food

About Rachel

Bachelor of Fine Arts
Favorite Hobby
Reading, sewing, crafts
Favorite Sport
Track and field
Favorite TV Show
Hilda, Bee and Puppycat
Favorite Subject in School
English, history
Favorite Tradition
Book club, family dinners

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