Dear Birthmom

I want to begin by thanking you for taking the time to learn more about me. I am honored. I know this is a confusing and difficult time for you while you are trying to figure out the best option for you and your sweet baby. I can’t even imagine what a difficult decision you have to make. I hope you feel loved and supported no matter where you are in your journey. I can see that you love your child very much and want the best for them.

Adoption is a very special process, and I am excited to work with you to give the very best for this child. I know this will be a difficult time for you, while it is a blessing for me, but know that I will feel your sadness with you and respect the difficult position you are in. Prayers are being poured over you and this precious baby.

I want to thank you so much for this gift you are giving me just by taking the time to read about me and the family your child could be joining. I promise I will love this child with all of my heart. Know that I am praying for you and your sweet baby throughout your pregnancy, that God will give you peace in whatever decision you make. I will always appreciate you for the beautiful blessing you are giving me, if you choose me. May God bless you with peace and comfort during this journey.

My Story

I am usually quiet in large groups but love talking and laughing with my small group of friends. I enjoy playing games, playing with my four-year-old adopted daughter, and just hanging out with my friends and family. I am an administrator at a children’s home in Kenya. I do six Bible studies a week with the staff and kids along with two administration meetings. I usually work half a day outside of my house each day, and I am home the rest of the time. My schedule is very flexible, so I am able to change around my daily schedule if needed. During school breaks, I take kids out for workshops, games with other homes, swimming, and service projects. I love teaching, doing crafts, and traveling. I have written and illustrated one children’s book and am finishing another one.

 My Extended Family

I have my mom and my brother. My dad passed away 12 years ago. We have always been a close family. My brother is married with an 12-year-old boy and an 8-year-old girl.

On my dad’s side, I have five cousins. The town my cousins live in is the same one where my grandparents used to live. My granddad would take us to the zoo, so now that’s what we do when we get together. We enjoy walking around remembering when we were young and seeing our kids enjoy their second cousins.

On my mom’s side, I have three cousins, but I don’t see them very often. When we are together, we mostly enjoy sitting and visiting about our lives. We don’t really do anything special; it’s mostly just about being together and enjoying each other’s company. Sometimes we will get games out and play.

 My Home

I live in Kenya, but I’m from Texas. I live in a shared compound with five other houses. All of the people on the compound are missionaries. We have a beautiful yard for running and playing, and there is also a swing set. About five minutes away is a nice restaurant with a trampoline, so the kids love to go to play there. There is also a hotel with a nice swimming pool that we also enjoy going to. Twenty minutes outside of town is a national reservation where we take our kids to play on the playground, go for a short nature walk, see lions and other animals, and ride in a canoe.

 My Journey to Adoption

I am excited to adopt again. I was blessed with my daughter in September 2019. I could see God working throughout the whole process. Most of the friends I have in Kenya have also adopted, along with a couple of friends in the U.S. I am so excited to give my daughter a sibling and to have another child to love and care for. I’m also excited to see who God will place in our lives to make our family whole. I have so much love to give, and I am ready to go through this journey again.

 Fun Facts

About Jennifer

  • Education
    Bachelor’s in Elementary and Special Education
  • Favorite Hobby
    Painting, being creative
  • Favorite Sport
  • Favorite TV Show
    Criminal Minds
  • Favorite Tradition
    Grandparents saving money for grandkids

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