Dear Birthmom

Finding the right words to express our overwhelming gratitude for you considering us for this incredible gift is a humbling task. We can only begin to imagine the mix of emotions you're experiencing and the weight of the decision you're facing. Your courage and selflessness in this choice are beyond admirable, and we hold you in the highest regard. If you choose us, know that your child will be welcomed into a home overflowing with love and nurtured by supportive parents every step of the way. We are ready to provide a future filled with cherished moments for your child, who will have every opportunity to discover the beauty of the world around us.

If you choose us, it would be an absolute honor and blessing, and we promise to dedicate ourselves to providing a life filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities. Every day, we will hold you in our thoughts, deeply grateful for the love you've shown through this selfless act. Your baby will always understand that the love they receive from us reflects the love given by you. We'll be dedicated to helping your baby understand the roots and the story that made it possible for us to be together. If you choose us, please understand that you'll forever hold a cherished place in our family. Ultimately, we trust that you'll make the right decision for your child, and if that choice leads you to us, our hearts will overflow with joy and our family will feel complete.

Our Story

Hello! We are Walquiria and Henrique. We have been married since 2016, and growing our family together is our most desired dream. We live in Florida, where life can be at the same time exciting and peaceful. Henrique is a dedicated husband who likes to read many different genres with a special passion for historical and science fiction literature. He speaks different languages and loves cinema. The best moments in his life are movie nights at home with Walquiria. Henrique is in the import export business, so he is constantly dealing with people from all over the world. Walquiria is a sweet and sensitive wife. She loves traveling, seeing new places, and meeting new people. She is an interior designer and has a great sense of aesthetics. We are open-minded people who think it’s important to cultivate every relationship with love and respect.

 Our Extended Family

Henrique is an only child raised by his incredibly attentive mother. His father’s passing when he was 12 strengthened his bond with his mother even further. Despite being 81 years old now, she remains a wonderful cook and still cherishes the tradition of gathering us together for Sunday meals.

Walquiria comes from a large family with numerous cousins, uncles, and aunts who have always played a significant role in her life. She has one sister who has blessed our lives with a niece, soon to be six this year. Our niece holds a special place in our hearts and is a central part of our most cherished family tradition: cozying up together to watch classic Christmas movies like Home Alone and Elf with lots of hot cocoa and cookies.

 Our Home

We recently moved to Florida. We live in a tranquil neighborhood where a strong sense of community prevails, making it an ideal place to raise children. We chose our home while keeping in our hearts the desire to provide a nurturing environment for our child to thrive. Surrounded by nature, with numerous lakes, open spaces, and parks nearby, our dream is to set up a hanging tire in our garden for our children to enjoy. Although we do not currently have any pets, back in our hometown, Sukita, the sweetest Labrador, and Luke, the world’s most adorable cat, are beloved members of our family. They have always been a part of our lives and are currently staying with our parents as they recover from medical procedures.

 Our Journey to Adoption

Adoption has long been on our minds and has touched our lives in many different ways. We both come from families that taught us love has no boundaries. We are blessed with supportive family and friends who have undertaken this path, so we have witnessed the profound love and gratitude shared between adoptive parents, birthmothers, and children—a truly magical experience. After facing some fertility challenges, our hearts feel ready to embrace this beautiful journey.

 Fun Facts

About Henrique

Favorite Hobby
Reading - Travel
Favorite Sport
Aikido, swimming
Favorite Music Group
Pearl Jam
Favorite TV Show
Favorite Subject in School
World history
Favorite Tradition
Family meals, movie night

About Walquiria

Favorite Hobby
Favorite Sport
Favorite Music Group
Favorite TV Show
The Handmaid's Tale
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Movie night, family parties

Contact Henrique & Walquiria

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