Dear Birthmom

Dear Expectant Mother,

We are grateful you took the time to read our profile. We pray you find peace in whatever decision you make for you and your child. If you choose us as your baby’s adoptive parents, we look forward to walking this path alongside you as much or as little as you desire. We want you to know you are not alone in this process. While we don’t know exactly what you are going through, we have some insight from family who have placed a baby for adoption in the past. Your love for your baby is evident in your desire to give them the very best life possible.

We intend to honor your choice by ensuring that your child knows who you are and how much care, consideration, and strength it took for you to make this decision. If you choose to place with us, we hope to build on that love by welcoming your baby into our home and showing them daily how loved they were, are, and always will be.

A baby placed in our home will be surrounded by loving family members near and far, friends who have been praying for them and you for many months, and parents who are excited to dote on them and make them their whole world.

With grateful hearts,
Debra & Robert

Our Story

We were introduced by a mutual friend, and during the first date, there was definitely a spark. By the end of the second date, both of us were confident in the direction of our relationship….though we didn’t tell the other for a bit. We dated with intentionality and made sure we were on the same page as far as our deal breakers. Just shy of two years after we started dating, Rob proposed, and Debra said yes! We were married seven months later. We are a fun-loving couple who enjoys spending time with friends and family, trying out new restaurants nearby, spending time with our dogs, and traveling. We both work in jobs we enjoy and appreciate the stability they have provided. We have worked hard and are blessed to have many areas of our life in good shape. We are excited for this new adventure of adopting and parenthood.

 Our Extended Family

We both come from large, loving families. Many aunts, uncles, and cousins live around Texas and across the U.S. We enjoy visiting and hosting family any time we have the opportunity.

Robert has three siblings spread across the U.S. with their spouses and kids. His parents are still in his hometown. Despite the distance, we see Robert’s family multiple times per year, and the whole family gets together every other Christmas. Debra’s parents and siblings all live within about 30 minutes of us, and we enjoy seeing them and our nieces and nephews regularly. Her aunts, uncles, and cousins are mostly on the northeast coast.

Together we have 20 nieces and nephews, which makes for loud and fun family gatherings on both sides and even more so when the extended family joins in.

 Our Home

We live in a great suburban community in Texas. Our neighborhood has pools, a splash pad, walking trails, and some of the greatest neighbors. Our home is filled with memories of our travels, our three dogs (and their hair ;-) ), and lots of love! We are located in a strong school district, and we have family members who teach in some of the local schools. The community has many opportunities for children’s sports and ways to stay active.

 Our Journey to Adoption

Our family and friends have been touched by both sides of adoption. Debra’s sister-in-law placed a baby for adoption in high school, and several of our friends have adopted babies and young children in the last decade. We knew biological children would not be possible early in our relationship. Because of this, the conversation of how to grow our family began on our second date and continued throughout our time dating and preparing for marriage. We knew from the beginning that this would be a conscious decision we would have to make. After exploring many avenues, we felt adoption was the right choice to provide a safe, loving home for a child.

 Fun Facts

About Debra

Master’s in philanthropy and development
Favorite Hobby
Favorite TV Show
Downton Abbey
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Christmas morning

About Robert

Associate in computer science, several professional certifications
Favorite Hobby
Favorite TV Show
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Holidays with extended family

Contact Debra & Robert

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