Dear Birthmom

Dear Expectant Mother,

Our hearts are filled with deep gratitude, excitement, and anticipation. We want you to know the enormity of the decision you must make is beyond our comprehension, and we are in awe of your bravery and selflessness. We find it difficult to put into words how appreciative we are to be and taken into consideration for this process. We have no idea what it's like to be in your position or the range of emotions you are going through at the moment. You are considering a decision that is extremely brave and compassionate.

We would like to assure you that your child will grow up in a loving and supportive home if we are selected. As they play in the yard and take in the scenery, they will grow up to love the great outdoors. Their grandparents and parents will be caring individuals who will probably spoil them excessively. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking the time to read our profile and considering us to love and cherish this little miracle.

With all our love,
Bridgette and Zac

Our Story

We are Bridgette and Zac from South Carolina. We met in October of 2011 and got married in May of 2012. Bridgette works with the elderly that have dementia. She has the biggest heart and is willing to do anything for anyone. She also loves to cook, craft, and sew. Zac is a hardworking Marine and enjoys tinkering with stuff in the garage, playing a video game, and yard work. There is always a cat to cuddle up with, which helps on a chilly night. On a nice night, we love to take the dog for a walk, and we cannot wait to share these traditions with our future baby.

 Our Extended Family

Zac's stepmother and father are still in our home state and are still going strong. They enjoy hosting holidays at their house, especially Christmas. His sister and her three kids also reside in our state.

Bridgette's parents are still alive and well in South Carolina, a short few hours' drive from us, near a lake and with a pool, perfect for the summer BBQs they love to host. Her brother, along with his wife and daughter, still resides in our state.

We make an effort to see as much of our family as we can, especially the out-of-state ones. Zac’s family visits South Carolina for about a week every year. We make an effort to spend every holiday with the closer family, either by having them visit us or by us traveling to them. Being a military family, the friends Zachary has made along the way have become our extended family.

 Our Home

We live in a neighborhood that is filled with many children and loving neighbors. Everyone knows everyone and is willing to help at a moment’s notice. Our home is your average two-story home with a large backyard for the dog to run in. We also have four cats—Holiday, Shadow, Binx, and Louise—as well as a dog, Echo. We are not too far from the beaches as well as the festivals that go on throughout the year.

 Our Journey to Adoption

For medical reasons, we are unable to have biological children. From the moment we got married, adoption was a constant topic of conversation. Our dream has always been to create a family, establish new customs, and bring up our children to be the greatest versions of themselves. We feel we are welcoming a child into our home with love, acceptance, and compassion.

 Fun Facts

About Bridgette

Favorite Sport
Favorite TV Show
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Game nights

About Zac

Favorite Sport
Hockey, football
Favorite TV Show
Person of Interest
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Holiday baking with family recipes

Contact Bridgette & Zac

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