Choose a Family for your Child with Confidence. All AdoptList Families are homestudy approved.
As a birthparent, you might be wondering, what is a homestudy? In a nutshell, a homestudy shows that prospective adoptive parents are emotionally, physically and financially ready to adopt a baby. A completed homestudy is just one step of the adoption process, but also one of the most important.
An adoption homestudy is a written report of an adoptive family completed by a social worker. A homestudy requires the prospective adoptive family to gather personal documents, answer questions, and explore their reasons for adopting. The homestudy can take anywhere from 3 to 6 months, and is completed through a series of home visits, interviews, background checks and financial assessments.
A homestudy is conducted to determine whether a prospective adoptive family is ready and fit to adopt. Through financial assessments, a social worker can confirm the family has the financial ability to provide for a child. Background checks confirm the family has a clear criminal record and personal history. Interviews and home visits ensure the family is emotionally ready to adopt and that the home in which they reside is a safe environment.
***Once prospective adoptive parents apply to adopt a child, the laws of all 50 states and the District of Columbia require that the applicants undergo a homestudy.***