Dear Birthmom

Hello, beautiful person.

You are facing one of the scariest and bravest decisions of your life. We can’t imagine how hard this must be for you, but we want you to know that if you choose us to love and care for your child, they will be loved beyond all words.

We never realized how much we could love someone until our first foster placement, and that love grew with each placement and even more when we had our son. We know that love will grow even more when our family grows again. Our son is our world, but we can’t wait for that world to expand! We have so much love in our hearts ready to give! Our journey to become parents was a hard one, but it has only made us more thankful and grateful for everything involved.

You are changing so many lives with this decision, and all of those touched by this decision will be forever grateful to you! We would be so blessed if you chose us to love your little one. They will never lack love and affection, and we will strive to make all of their dreams come true. They will always know how strong you are and how much love this decision took to make.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Janie and Marshall

Our Story

Janie’s career as an online professor allows her to be at home with our son, Nathaniel, and our future child. Wednesday through Sunday, Marshall works as an Emergency Dispatcher. On those days, Janie is with Nathaniel, taking him to preschool, swim lessons or therapy. When Marshall gets home, he plays with Nathaniel and gets him ready for bed. When Janie needs to focus on grading papers, it’s daddy son time, playing and running errands One of us is always with him as a hands-on parent; we wouldn’t have it any other way.

On our off days, we enjoy spending time doing various activities with our son, and we can’t wait to add another little one to the fun! Once a week, we go out on a date to the movies. Nathaniel enjoys singing, playing outside, and swimming.

 Our Extended Family

We have an amazing village. Some are biological, and some are not. Some have been in our lives for what seems like forever, and some are newer—but they are all family. Our village is made up not only of people close to us but all over the country, and some are even international. They cheer us on and laugh and cry with us. They have been there for us through our infertility journey and every step of the way with Nathaniel’s autism diagnosis and therapies. They celebrate every milestone we meet and have been there for us along the way.

We love going out to eat with our friends as well. We will find a new restaurant to try and make a night of it. We always bring the kids. We love their kids like they are ours, and they love Nathaniel just as much. When visiting family, we spend a lot of time doing things Nathaniel likes to do, whether a trip to the beach or just to the playground. We don’t get to visit family as much as we would like, especially Marshall’s dad as he lives in Texas, but when we do, it is a lot of fun.

 Our Home

Our city’s biggest attraction is the state zoo. We have a membership and go most weekends. We live in a beautiful neighborhood. There are always people out walking their dogs, and all of our neighbors are really nice. We recently had four new families with kids move in on our street. We have four dogs: Bella is a ten-year-old terrier mix; Sasha is a border collie husky mix around six years old; Reese is a chihuahua dachshund mix who is six years old as well; and our youngest is only about six months old and his name is Bailey, a bernedoodle. We are currently training Bailey to be a service dog for Nathaniel.

 Our Journey to Adoption

Janie has wanted to adopt since she was in high school. It was always something in her heart, but she hoped to have biological children as well. When we got married, we wanted to start a family and have children; however, it was difficult. We both struggle with infertility, so we decided to become foster parents with hopes of adopting one of our placements. We soon realized foster care, while beautiful because it reunites families, was too heartbreaking as we had to let a child we had grown to love go. We were blessed with Nathaniel after six years of fertility treatments. We have now decided it is time to expand our family, and we feel as though adoption is the best route for us.

 Fun Facts

About Janie

Master’s in English, Master’s in Psychology
Favorite Hobby
Reading, playing video games
Favorite Sport
Favorite Music Group
Pink, N’Sync, Killswitch Engage, Underoath
Favorite TV Show
The Walking Dead
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Going to the movies on holidays

About Marshall

Bachelor’s in communications
Favorite Hobby
Playing video games
Favorite Sport
Pro wrestling, baseball
Favorite Music Group
Nickelback, Metallica, 3 Doors Down
Favorite TV Show
Favorite Subject in School
English, science
Favorite Tradition
Going to the movies on holidays

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