Dear Birthmom

Dear Expectant Mother,

We hope this letter brings you comfort during this emotional and challenging time. We want to express our admiration for the strength and courage it takes to consider adoption for your child. We cannot imagine the thoughts and emotions during your journey. We believe this act is one of selflessness and love. We understand this journey is one of complexity and are filled with gratitude at the prospect that we may be chosen for this precious gift.

If chosen to be parents of your child, we would make every effort to guide your child through this world and ensure a loving, positive, and safe environment to succeed in achieving their dreams. We are committed to developing a relationship that is based on trust and respect. As a multiracial couple, we are aware of the importance of culture and history to a person’s identity and story. We will honor and celebrate their background and ensure that their diversity is reflected as a strength.

We understand the decision is entirely yours to make. Should you decide we are the right family to adopt your child, we will honor your wishes regarding the level of openness in adoption. Please know we will be forever grateful for this gift. Whatever decision you make, we wish you strength and peace.

With love and admiration,
Rachel and Jackie

Our Story

We are Rachel and Jackie. Rachel is half Japanese and Caucasian. Jackie is a Filipino born in Manila. We have been married for seven years. We met while we were nurses in Texas. We obtained our nurse practitioner licenses together and now both practice as critical care nurse practitioners in Florida. We enjoy going to Universal and Disney World. Our vacations usually include outdoor activities such as hiking or kayaking. We enjoy taking our dogs hiking. Our past trips have included hiking popular trails in Yosemite and Big Bend National Park. While at home, Jackie enjoys woodworking. We created a coffee table and two end tables for our living room. We like going to the beach, working out, and running. We enjoy cooking together as well. Rachel delights in gardening. We are currently nurturing a big avocado tree! We are avid readers but have different tastes in books.

 Our Extended Family

Jackie has a large, close-knit Filipino family. Three sisters live in Florida with frequent get-togethers. Her father lives within ten minutes as well. We have a get-together at least once a month where we share home-cooked meals, sing karaoke, and play family board games and mahjong. We celebrate milestones as one big family.

Rachel has one younger brother who lives 30 minutes away, while her parents live in Oklahoma. Family get-togethers are often centered around delicious, home-cooked meals and outdoor activities like playing in the pool. Every birthday is celebrated, and during the holidays, special greeting cards arrive in the mail!

 Our Home

Our home is located in a gated community in Florida. Our neighborhood is friendly and safe. The neighborhood includes a clubhouse and pool. We walk our two dogs every day. We have a nine-year-old cocker spaniel and five-month-old cockapoo, Manny and Albus. We have a four-bedroom, three-bath house. Our favorite part of the house is our covered patio, where we like to hang out, relax, read books, and tend to our plants. We have a fenced yard overlooking a retention pond. Our community includes a variety of stores and restaurants. There are two elementary schools as well as middle and high schools within a 20-minute drive. We live close to two major theme parks.

 Our Journey to Adoption

Although we love the company of our puppies, we would love to have the gift of raising a child in this beautiful world. We have seen the benefits of adoption through friends and family. We want to provide a stable, safe, and healthy environment for your child. We believe we are capable of showing your child the love and support needed to navigate this world. We have the financial opportunity to provide a child with wonderful experiences. We believe it takes a village to raise a child, and we have a community composed of family and friends willing to support us through the wonderful journey of parenthood.

 Fun Facts

About Rachel

Master of Science in Nursing
Favorite Hobby
Favorite Sport
Softball, running
Favorite Music Group
Country music
Favorite TV Show
Favorite Subject in School

About Jackie

Master of Science in Nursing
Favorite Hobby
Reading fiction
Favorite Sport
Basketball, tennis
Favorite Music Group
Taylor Swift, Mariah Carey, Usher, Harry Styles
Favorite TV Show
Ted Lasso, The Office
Favorite Subject in School
Physics, chemistry

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