Dear Birthmom

We hope you got a glimpse of who our family is and the love we can and will provide for you and your child. We are so thankful you’re reading our profile! Please know we believe you are so brave and thoughtful for giving your baby a life full of love and support and considering our family. Our extended families are very excited we are adding another child to our family! If you choose us, your child will not only feel love from us but from so many others who are ready to welcome them with open arms.

We can’t wait for everything your child will bring to our lives and what we can bring to theirs. From your child’s first steps to the time they step across the graduation stage, we will be there encouraging and reminding them how loved they are. We promise to bring your child up in a home where they are encouraged to be goofy and silly with us. Your child will know laughter and happiness from the moment they enter our home.

We have no idea what it’s like for you making this decision, but please know we are praying for you and your baby. We would be honored and would absolutely love to be chosen by you.

Our Story

Sarah’s aunt set us up on a blind date, and get this—it worked! We got engaged in April of 2012 and married in December of 2012. We had our daughter in 2016. Sarah is a second grade teacher at a local elementary school, and Ben is a sales manager at a distributing company. Sarah loves to create t-shirts and crafty things. She enjoys coaching girls’ basketball at the high school in our town, and she loves relaxing days at home with our family. Ben loves all things outdoors! He enjoys fishing and watching movies with our family. When it comes to our personalities, we couldn’t be more opposite, but it works for us! Ben is very outgoing and has a loud personality. Sarah is more of an introvert and enjoys quiet time. Our daughter is the perfect mix of both of our personalities.

 Our Extended Family

We both have loving extended families. We spend time every week with Sarah’s mom and dad. They attend the same church as us, and we have countless family get-togethers for game nights, family celebrations, and holidays together. Sarah has two grown brothers. Her older brother is married and has four sons. Her younger brother lives in the same town as her family.

Sadly, Ben’s dad passed away a few years ago. His mom remarried an extremely loving man. Ben has a younger brother and sister. His brother is married and has one daughter, with another daughter on the way. His sister is married and has two sons. We are fortunate to see them three to four times a year. They live about nine hours away, but we all make time to see each other.

 Our Home

Our home is in a quiet subdivision, on a cul-de-sac. We love our neighborhood because it is truly an extension of our community. Anytime you are outside and see a neighbor or someone in the subdivision, you always get a welcoming smile and a wave. We are so fortunate that Sarah teaches at an amazing school! Our daughter attends this school, and we love that she is able to be at the same school with Sarah from kindergarten to fifth grade. From the local amusement park to the multiple community festivals and the many local small businesses, there is always something new to eat, fun to do, or to participate in.

 Our Journey to Adoption

We were blessed with our biological daughter in 2016. However, it took a while for us to become pregnant. While we were in that waiting period, we both knew we wanted to be parents and were willing to make that happen in whatever way it was meant to be. We felt the tug of adoption on our hearts. After we had our daughter, we decided we wanted to add another child to our family, and we still had the desire for adoption. We can’t wait to add another child to love, and our daughter can’t wait to be a big sister!

 Fun Facts

About Sarah

Bachelor's degree
Favorite Hobby
Favorite Sport
Favorite Music Group
Favorite Tradition
Christmas decorating

About Ben

Bachelor's degree
Favorite Hobby
Being outdoors
Favorite Sport
Favorite Music Group
Martin Miller
Favorite Tradition
Canada fishing trip

Contact Sarah & Ben

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