Dear Birthmom

We can’t thank you enough for taking the time to read our profile. We hope that from this small glimpse into our lives, you’re able to see how much love we have ready to give to you and your baby. We can’t begin to imagine how difficult this decision may be for you, but we hope you find peace in knowing you will pick the right couple to raise your child. We aspire to be that couple and want you to know that at this time, there is truly nothing more significant to us than the both of you.

Every morning we take our playful three-year-old cockapoo, Linda, on a walk through our neighborhood. During our walk, we see parents pushing their babies in strollers, toddlers getting buckled into car seats for daycare, and school buses driving kids off to their classes. We are surrounded by such beautiful families, and our dream is to become one. By choosing us to raise your child, you would make this dream a reality, and there are no words to express how eternally grateful we will be.

During this journey, we promise to be there for you every step of the way. We acknowledge we will never understand your experience, but we commit ourselves fully to making it everything you need it to be. In the most sincere way possible, we are extremely thankful for you and could not be happier to do this together.

Thank you for considering us!

Our Story

We met six years ago on Halloween, and since then, we have been inseparable. We love spending time together, from watching anything on Bravo to traveling the world. With our family living within walking distance, we are always busy with family activities. Tyler grew up in a small town in southern Illinois and moved around quite a bit until he planted roots in North Carolina. He works in real estate/property management, managing a high-rise building in our downtown. He loves to travel. He has been to every state in the U.S., and his favorite place he has traveled to is Iceland. Ryan grew up in New Jersey and lived in Germany for four years of elementary school. He works in global supply chain managing several manufacturing plants worldwide. Peloton is a passion of his.

 Our Extended Family

Family is VERY important to us, so much so that we recently relocated to be closer to family with the hope of starting our own. Ryan is the youngest of four, and his parents have been married for 50 years. We have five nieces and nephews, and the majority of Ryan’s family lives within walking distance. Living so close allows us to be part of everyone’s special moments. One of the most anticipated weeks of the year is when we all travel to the beach as a family. Having everyone under one roof creates many loving memories that we are eager to share with your baby.

Tyler is the oldest of three, and his parents have been married for 28 years. While Tyler’s family is not as close by, we love making trips to see everyone. While visiting, we have to make sure to see Tyler’s grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins.

Both of our families are excited and eager to welcome your baby into our lives, if you should choose us. There will not be a day that goes by when your baby will not be shown the love and support they deserve.

 Our Home

We live at the end of a cul-de-sac, surrounded by other growing families. There is always activity out and about with the little ones playing with each other. Our home has three bedrooms and two bathrooms and lots of space to make memories in. Our three-year-old cockapoo, Linda, runs the house. We are a short three-hour drive to the beach and a two-hour drive to the mountains, which works in our favor since we like to travel often. There is never a dull moment, especially since we have family who live a block and two blocks away. We live in a very tight-knit community that celebrates diversity and offers family-friendly festivals often.

 Our Journey to Adoption

The idea of having a family of our own is something we’ve always agreed was a priority from the start of our relationship. We are surrounded by wonderful examples of loving households through our families and friends. Watching our siblings and cousins grow their young families has shown us there is truly no greater joy in life than raising a child. Our close friends started their family through Lifelong Adoptions, and through their journey, we’ve decided this organization and the process of adoption is right for our family too. Bringing a child into our loving home would make it complete.

 Fun Facts

About Tyler

Some college
Favorite Hobby
Gardening, cooking, traveling
Favorite Sport
Favorite Music Group
The Fray, Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga
Favorite TV Show
Real Housewives (all of them)
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Annual family vacations

About Ryan

Bachelor of Science
Favorite Hobby
Working out, pickleball, traveling
Favorite Sport
Favorite Music Group
Beyonce, Lizzo, Adele
Favorite TV Show
Game of Thrones, Modern Family
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Family beach week

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