Dear Birthmom

Dear Expectant Mom,

We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for considering us to take care of this wonderful blessing that is your baby. We pray for you daily. Even though we do not know you or your baby, we do know God does, and we believe He will provide the right baby for our family.

We pray for your peace in making this incredibly difficult decision. We pray for your baby that God has given life to and that you will bring into this world. We pray for a healthy delivery for you and your baby. We pray God blesses you in your future plans because of this selfless act.

We are very excited to meet you and your baby. We are so excited to welcome your baby into our family and love them forever. We understand this is a decision that is not taken lightly and that you want what's best for your baby. We promise that if you choose us, we will devote everything we are and have and will make your baby's life the most wonderful life imaginable. Your baby will be loved without end. You and your baby will become a part of our family forever.

Our Story

We are Sara and Dillion. Dillion works in the water treatment industry providing clean drinking water for our community. Sara worked for seven years as an STNA in a retirement community but now stays home. We like to listen to music. Sara plays guitar and piano. We like hiking and being outdoors. We also like biking. We go on walks with our dogs. We play board and card games with our families. We go to church on Sundays and spend time with our families afterward. We are a funloving and outgoing couple. We love to meet new people. We love doing things as a couple, such as zoo trips, museums, parks, and vacations. We love to travel to different places to see new things.

 Our Extended Family

We both have large families. Sara has a brother and a sister. She has 13 cousins and numerous second cousins. Every month since Sara was born, Sara’s mother, aunts, and cousins would all get together for a “Sister Day,” where we all bring food for everyone to eat and play games. We would always go to a different aunt’s house every month. This was always a fun experience to look forward to growing up.

Dillion grew up with his mom, dad, and two brothers. He has 16 cousins and numerous second cousins. Every year we all get together for Christmas and Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. Everybody brings food, and we open presents on Christmas. Afterwards, we play card games and talk about everything that has happened in our lives that year. It’s always a good time with great food. It's amazing to see all the kids running around and see all of the new members of our growing family.

 Our Home

We live in Ohio. Our home is built on five acres of farmland bordered by a tree-lined creek that’s great for fishing. Our house is a ranch-style home with a large, fenced-in backyard. We share our home with our four dogs, Piggy, Story, Barley, and Siggy. We live outside of a small town inside three different school districts. Our town has a newly built park and playground. It’s a small, quiet, and friendly community where everybody knows everybody. We love our home and community.

 Our Journey to Adoption

We have always wanted children but are unable to biologically. Sara found out when she was 17 that she was born without a uterus. We thought since we can’t have biological children, adoption would be a great opportunity to become parents. Sara has two cousins who were adopted. We also have several friends at church who have adopted children from around the world. We are so excited about adopting a child and being first-time parents. We are excited to love and care for a child and to hear those beautiful belly laughs.

 Fun Facts

About Sara

High school graduate
Favorite Hobby
Hiking, guitar, piano
Favorite Sport
Favorite TV Show
Medical and game shows
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Making decorative paper chains

About Dillion

College graduate
Favorite Hobby
Favorite Sport
Favorite TV Show
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Holiday gatherings

Contact Sara & Dillion

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