Dear Birthmom

Dear Expectant Mother,

As we contemplate your journey, we’re deeply touched by the courage, strength, and love it takes to consider placing your baby in our family. It’s an extraordinarily gracious and loving gesture. We honor your bravery and recognize that many women would not do what you’ve chosen to do, and we’re forever humbled knowing our family may grow because of your willingness to entrust your child to us.

If we’re blessed to raise your little one, we’ll give him or her all the love we have in our hearts and every opportunity for learning and exploration. We’ll share our passion for music (singing karaoke in the piano room is a favorite family activity), and he or she will have the chance to take music lessons or just play around with instruments for fun. We’ll teach your child to swim, ski, and play tennis (or soccer, basketball, baseball, or fencing—whatever he or she prefers!). Your little one will spend plenty of time outdoors and will learn to fish with Uncle Mark and Uncle Tommy off the pier in our backyard. We also travel frequently, so your baby will visit many regions of our lovely country along with other parts of the world.

Grandma is a retired school librarian, so she knows all the best children’s literature. Actually, she already has boxes of books purchased for your baby! Your little one will be tucked in with a bedtime story (or two or three!) every night.

Thank you once again for considering us. We are so very grateful.

Karin & Dan

Our Story

When it comes to love, there’s a whole lot of it in our house! We feel super blessed to not only be husband and wife but also best friends. We both work from home, so we’re able to check in with each other throughout the day for a quick kiss and “I love you!” Karin is a psychologist. She used to be a professor, but now she’s written a self-help book, hosts a podcast, and speaks to women’s groups about relationships and living empowered! Dan is the co-owner of a steel packaging company, but he’s also recently invented a product he just brought to market. It’s a device that cools hot beverages to the perfect drinkable temperature in just 20 seconds! Fun fact: Dan invented the product because Karin drinks black coffee, and she kept burning her tongue! Now, that’s true love! :-)

 Our Extended Family

We feel so grateful to have close, loving relationships with our extended families. Karin’s mother is 88 years young, and although Karin’s father passed away several years ago, his love and legacy live on in her two brothers and six nieces and nephews. Each year we take Karin’s mom somewhere she’s never been. A few years ago she saw the Grand Canyon for the first time, and the year before, we explored Savannah and all its history.

Although Dan has also recently lost his father, we are thankful to have had some extraordinary travels with his folks over the last ten years. We took many trips with them to visit Dan’s children who live in various parts of the country. His oldest, Audrey, is the vice president of a political fundraising firm in D.C. His son, Adam, just graduated from Appalachian State in North Carolina after serving six years in the Navy. And, his youngest, Mikey, lives in Denver and works for a mental health hotline. Dan also has two brothers, a sister, and six nieces and nephews. Everyone is super excited to welcome a new little one to the fold, and we can’t wait to share not only our love of travel with your baby but also the other passions we adore: music, skiing, tennis, golf, and water sports.

 Our Home

We live on a quiet cul-de-sac in a beautiful neighborhood that centers around a recreational lake. In the summer, we spend hours boating, swimming, and water skiing. Lolly Pup and Copper, our sweet rescue dogs, love to ride on the boat with us and encourage our friends’ children as we teach them to water ski, knee-board, tube, and wake surf. Our dogs are very excited to have a baby in the house to love on with puppy snuggles and kisses.

 Our Journey to Adoption

Our connection to adoption is a very personal and powerful one. Our twin nephews were adopted, so we’ve experienced firsthand the beauty, joy, and blessing of adoption in our family. Adoption reinforces what we all know: that every family is unique and God uses various methods to grow families—and adoption is one of these. As we step into this process as a couple, we’re excited to become parents (again for Dan, first time for Karin) and are enthusiastic about sharing the enormous love we have for each other with a child.

 Fun Facts

About Karin

Favorite Hobby
Song writing
Favorite Sport
Tennis, skiing
Favorite Music Group
Favorite TV Show
Anything on HGTV
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Singing karaoke with friends & family in our music room

About Dan

Favorite Hobby
Favorite Sport
Golf, skiing
Favorite Music Group
Favorite TV Show
Shark Tank
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Taking our parents on vacations each year

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