Dear Birthmom

We admire the steps you’re already taking for your baby and realize the love and compassion it takes. If you pick us, we promise to be there for you each step of the way, within your comfort zone.

If a world of spending time with animals, hiking, camping, horseback riding, and sitting around a campfire resonates with you, we might be the family for you to consider. We hope to raise our future children by involving them in all the activities we love to do together as a couple. We would love to chat with you more about what this lifestyle looks like!

We understand the complexity of this decision for you and want you to know how much we respect you. This won’t be a birthmother and then adoptive parents. This will be a birthmother and adoptive parents together as a team. We promise your baby will be raised in a home where their time will be spent surrounded by a loving family and immersed in nature, and we will try to make every day an adventure. Let’s build this family together because it takes a village!

Our Story

Jacob is the quiet, reserved one, but don’t underestimate him. He has some great one-liners! Ashton is the extrovert who can make friends with just about everyone, including at the grocery store. We live on a farm that has been in Ashton’s family for over a century, and nothing makes us happier than being outside or with animals. Our farm is home to cattle, sheep, horses, and a llama. Jacob is a veterinarian and Ashton is the vet clinic hospital manager, so animals are clearly our passion. Outside of work, our bosses are four dogs and one cat. We love hiking, kayaking, trail riding, and camping. A perfect weekend might incorporate all of those things! We love mornings that start slow with sitting outside on the porch while drinking good coffee and like to spend nights sitting around a campfire. We also love the Iowa State Cyclones and have season tickets to all of the football games.

 Our Extended Family

It’s so nice having Ashton’s parents right down the road on the same family farm. Jacob’s parents are also a short car ride away. Both families are excited to support us during our adoption journey and are excited at the possibility of welcoming a new grandbaby. Ashton’s sister has three boys (six and four years old and eight months old). The boys would love a new cousin to show the ropes! We typically see both sets of parents at some point on any given weekend.

We are very close with Ashton’s cousin, who has two little girls, and it’s about an every weekend occurrence for the cousins to get together for some sort of activity, even if that’s just tormenting the adults in the house!

We love to travel with our parents. We travel to Colorado frequently with Ashton’s parents to hike or ski and spent time with Jacob’s extended family on a cruise last summer. Ashton’s whole family has tickets to the Iowa State football games, and we spend a lot of time cheering them on in the fall.

 Our Home

Our family farm is located about five minutes outside of a small rural town of approximately 4,000 people. However, we are a short 25-minute drive to a bigger city. Our town consists of a state park that we hike in frequently with a river running through it, two golf courses, an ax-throwing facility, a community theater, and a local coffee shop where we are always greeted by name. We love the small-town feel! We live a half mile down the road from Ashton’s family and 15 minutes away from Jacob’s family. We have four dogs (Jt, Frisco, Todd, and Bess) and one three-legged cat named Waffles.

 Our Journey to Adoption

We believe God has many ways of putting families together and know that adoption can be part of His plan. We are all part of one community with the same focus: supporting women in making a choice of being a birthmother and helping to build families. We have experienced infertility but have felt called to adoption before pursuing extensive fertility treatments. We have good friends who have had their families touched through adoption, and one of our closest friends was adopted as a child. Adoption just feels right for us.

 Fun Facts

About Ashton

Bachelor’s degree in animal science
Favorite Hobby
Trail riding, reading
Favorite Music Group
Garth Brooks
Favorite TV Show
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Family time

About Jacob

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Favorite Hobby
Hiking, camping
Favorite Music Group
Favorite TV Show
The Office
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
White elephant

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