Dear Birthmom

We want to begin by expressing our deepest gratitude for considering us as potential parents for your precious baby. We can only imagine the weight of the decision you are facing, and we want you to know your strength and selflessness are truly admirable. We dream of the life we will share with your baby, filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable adventures. We hope to instill in them the values of compassion, empathy, and a love for exploration. Together, we will embark on a journey of discovery, learning from each other every step of the way.

Family is incredibly important to us, and we envision a life where your baby is surrounded by love and support from our extended family. Our relatives are eager to welcome a new member into our family, and we look forward to creating lasting memories with cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. We want you to know we are committed to creating a stable and nurturing environment for your baby. We are open to discussing the level of communication that feels right for you during your pregnancy and the adoption process, and we are dedicated to honoring your role in this journey. Your baby will always know the love and sacrifice that led to their adoption.

We are excited to share our family traditions with your baby, from baking Christmas cookies to making povatica, a special dessert that holds a special place in our hearts. We are also eager to create new traditions that will become cherished memories for our family. Thank you again for considering us as potential parents. Your courage and love are truly inspiring, and we are grateful for the opportunity to welcome your baby into our hearts and home.

Our Story

Hey there! We met at a local Target, hit it off, and have been inseparable ever since! George was drawn to Josh’s kindness and smile, and Josh is obsessed with George’s boisterous laugh and ambition! We’re excited to adopt and grow our family. Josh is a Realtor®, and George is a pediatric critical care nurse and full-time professor. Joshua specializes in guiding families through evolving needs, while George is passionate about caring for children and educating future nurses. We frequently read together, currently diving into The Wheel of Time. Joshua’s love for diversity and adventure combined with George's empathy and authenticity shape our desire to provide our child with a loving and adventurous life. Every day starts with coffee and playtime with our sweet cats, Topher and Karen, and wraps with us sharing our day over dinner. Thank you for considering our love to share with your baby.

 Our Extended Family

Family is incredibly important to us. Josh has a massive family, with 12 aunts and uncles and 19 cousins, many with kids of their own! With most family members living within 20 minutes, this creates a bustling and lively atmosphere. Our family gatherings are filled with cooking, music, and a shared love for movies and travel. We even have a secret family recipe for a Croatian dessert called povatica, which we make in large batches for special occasions!

George comes from a big family as well. He's the second oldest of seven children and shares a special bond with his older sister. Growing up, he played a significant role in raising four of his younger siblings, which has instilled in him a deep sense of responsibility and care. Although his nieces and nephews live back in his hometown, he loves them dearly and looks forward to visits and catching up with their adventures.

Together, our families form a warm, loving, and supportive network. We cherish our family traditions, from baking at Christmastime to making cookies together every winter. Our families are eager to welcome a baby with open arms and to provide love, support, and cherished memories for your child.

 Our Home

Our cozy home is nestled in a friendly neighborhood where young families mix with gentle grandparents, creating a close-knit community. We enjoy the small-town charm with city life just around the corner, surrounded by parks, trails, and lively art fairs. Living near a top-notch school district is a big plus, especially with Josh’s mom working at one of the schools. Our home is a warm haven with easy access to countless experiences just down the block. Our furry companions, Topher and Karen, are cherished members of our family! Topher is our old man who loves ear scratches, and Karen is a loving cuddle-bug who loves sharing her heated blankets in the cooler Midwest winters. They bring lots of warmth and affection with their cuddles and playful personalities!

 Our Journey to Adoption

We’re thrilled at the chance to adopt and provide a loving life for a baby. Coming from large families, we’ve longed to start our own. After considering surrogacy and adoption, we felt a strong desire to provide a loving home and supportive relationship to any baby and expectant mother after having the opportunity to witness such a blessing with one of our closest friends who just adopted a baby. Inspired by close friends going through adoption and fostering, as well as one of our best friends who is adopted, we’re excited to raise our child in a loving, diverse, and supportive village. Compassion, love, and adventure drive our decision. We can’t wait to welcome a child into our family and offer them a life filled with love and joy as we raise them to cherish family and love.

 Fun Facts

About Josh

Bachelor of Music, MBA (partial)
Favorite Hobby
Games, reading, singing in the shower
Favorite Sport
Soccer, dancing, hiking
Favorite Music Group
Adele, Sia
Favorite TV Show
Bob’s Burgers
Favorite Subject in School
Music, foreign languages
Favorite Tradition
Our annual pumpkin carving contest

About George

Doctorate of Nursing Practice
Favorite Hobby
Favorite Sport
Baseball, football
Favorite Music Group
Stevie Nicks
Favorite TV Show
Schitt’s Creek
Favorite Subject in School
Favorite Tradition
Trimming the Christmas tree

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