Dear Birthmom

Dear Expectant Mother,

I am profoundly grateful to you for the brave and selfless choice you are considering. I cannot imagine how difficult this must be. You are so strong. I can already see how much love you have for your baby.

I want you to know I would be so humbled and honored to parent your child. You can be assured they will always know and be proud of their heritage and understand, from the very beginning, how much they are loved. They will have no unmet needs, with every opportunity for an amazing education, learning a new language, travel and culture, athletics, and the arts and music. They will be surrounded by a diverse and supportive community of friends and family. Your child will be protected, safe, adored, and cherished.

Their home will be one of joy, fun, laughter, and, most of all, unconditional love. I am extremely excited to build my family through the beautiful gift of adoption.

My Story

Hello! My name is Kristi. I’m a certified nurse midwife, and I absolutely love my job! I feel very grateful to assist new life into the world. I’m very passionate about ensuring women have the best quality care and feel empowered by their choices. Outside of work, I love to travel and have been fortunate to have visited many different countries. I also enjoy dancing, playing volleyball and softball, baking, gardening, hiking with my dog, and reading. Nature is my happy place, and I love all water activities, such as paddleboarding and kayaking. My friends and family would describe me as adventurous, loyal, and compassionate. I pride myself on being a very open-minded person who appreciates the beauty in all people and things.

 My Extended Family

My family and I are very close. I have two younger sisters, and my parents have been married almost 50 years now. One of my sisters has two children; my niece is five, and my nephew is nine. We have so much fun together exploring new places, fishing, playing sports, and reading books. I have two cousins and an aunt in California as well as two cousins in Minnesota with whom I enjoy spending time. Additionally, I have two goddaughters; one is 12, and the other is 17. With the 12-year-old, we love bowling, playing mini-golf, and shopping together. With the 17-year-old, I enjoy watching her soccer games and dance competitions and walking her dogs together. I am fortunate to have many good friends in various parts of the nation who have become like family over the years. We love traveling together as much as possible.

My family really enjoys holidays. Some of our favorite traditions are decorating the Christmas tree, baking Christmas cookies, carving pumpkins for Halloween, dyeing Easter eggs, and doing fireworks on the Fourth of July. We also love BBQs, living room dance parties, and watching football together.

 My Home

I live in beautiful South Texas, less than an hour from the ocean. The community is very friendly, culturally vibrant, and family oriented with wholesome values. Because we are so close to Mexico, Spanish is spoken as much as English, and the food is amazing! My neighborhood is very quiet, safe, and kid friendly. My three-bedroom, two-bath home has a beautiful courtyard as well as a large fenced-in backyard that includes two fruit trees.

My dog, Ziva, is my current baby. She is 11 years old but still has quite a bit of energy. Her favorite pastimes are swimming, going for walks, and burrowing under blankets on the couch. She’s an Australian cattle dog mix who is very gentle, sweet, and smart. She’s great with kids.

 My Journey to Adoption

Because of my job, I am blessed to see how magical it is as a family grows and welcomes a new baby. I see how much joy a child can bring. I had a wonderful upbringing, and I strongly desire to replicate that same loving environment for a child. I struggled with infertility for three years and know adoption is the best choice for me. Even in my early college years, I knew I would adopt someday. A year ago, I helped guide a patient through the adoption process, and she had a very positive journey. I have so much love to give and know I would be a wonderful parent.

 Fun Facts

About Kristi

  • Education
    Master’s degree
  • Favorite Hobby
    Travel, dance, reading
  • Favorite Sport
    Football, softball, volleyball
  • Favorite Music Group
    Chris Stapleton, Whitney Houston
  • Favorite TV Show
    The Amazing Race
  • Favorite Subject in School
    Geography, Spanish, biology
  • Favorite Tradition
    Making Xmas cookies

Contact Kristi

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