Dear Birthmom

We know this decision is a difficult one, and you are incredibly brave for considering adoption. We may not have met, but the thought of your consideration overwhelms our hearts with joy and love. Choosing another family to take care of your precious child may be the most difficult choice you have to make. Please know we are open and supportive, and we respect your decision of adoption and what this journey means for you, both now and in the future.

After years of IVF and loss, we understand grief and pain. Adoption is our option and choice to become parents, and we will do everything to ensure your child is raised with more love than what is imaginable. We promise to instill our core values of patience, respect, and kindness, and most importantly, we promise to teach your child that love is shown in many ways; the greatest act of love they may experience in their life is you making the selfless decision of adoption.

Our journey to adoption has brought hope to our hearts of welcoming a baby into our lives. Thank you for your consideration of us as your child’s adoptive parents. Your decision is one both we and our families will honor for the rest of our lives.

With love,
Kim and Mark

Our Story

We met in 2017 when fate connected us online. We had fun little quirks that brought us together: dancing in the kitchen while cooking dinner together, playing putt putt (where we later got engaged), and many walks together. Our relationship grew in laughter, fun, and love. We got married in September of 2019, a day filled with many memories and love. Our marriage has continued to grow in strength and love for each year. Mark is an IT systems analyst in health insurance. He is caring, respectful, active, smart, and a true gentleman. Kim is a mortgage servicing team captain. She is helpful, kind, funny, and patient. She is always there for her family and friends and helps however she can. We enjoy weekend getaways to northern Michigan, camping with family and friends, Marvel superheroes (Spiderman is a shared favorite), game nights with family and friends, movie nights, and playing with our dog, Bailey.

 Our Extended Family

We come from tight-knit families filled with several siblings, siblings-in-law, aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, and grandparents. Combined, we have 11 nieces and nephews in addition to many cousins with children. Kim is the godmother to one of her nieces, and Mark is a godfather to a niece and nephew.

Our family cannot wait for us to become parents and welcome a new child to join in our family gatherings and holiday traditions. Mark’s family is the largest; a normal family gathering has 20 or more children in attendance. On Christmas Eve, his whole family comes together, and the kids are surprised by a visit from Santa.

We camp every Fourth of July with Kim’s family, cooking meals over the fire, enjoying ice cream, and playing card games. On Easter, Kim’s family has two Easter egg hunts, one for the kids and one for the adults. The kids love hiding Easter eggs and enthusiastically help the adults with the search.

We’ve been lucky to enjoy family vacations with both of our families. We are very active as an aunt and uncle, and our nieces and nephews love staying the night for movie nights, playing catch, going to the park, and playing games.

 Our Home

We bought our tri-level home in 2019 in a small, quiet neighborhood close to our families. Our community is full of young families, with good schools nearby. We enjoy visiting local art festivals and apple orchards and exploring small towns and beaches throughout the state. We take a lot of pride in our home and have remodeled two bathrooms, our laundry room, and our kitchen. We’re currently working on updating our landscaping! We adopted our dog, Bailey, in February of 2020, and he loves it when we take him for walks around the neighborhood park, play catch, and cuddle on the couch. He has an adorable spot in the shape of Mickey Mouse on his back.

 Our Journey to Adoption

We have always known we wanted to be parents. We’ve found ourselves through the years constantly saying, “I can’t wait to do this with our kids.” We’ve always been open to the many journeys of becoming parents. We have tried growing our family, and while we don’t know if biological kids are in our future, we know we are ready to start our family now through adoption. We have so much love to give, so much experience from being an aunt and uncle, and a wonderful family ready to welcome a child with open arms. We are excited to raise kids together and create new family memories and traditions along the way.

 Fun Facts

About Kim

Some college
Favorite Hobby
Decorative crafting
Favorite Sport
Favorite TV Show
Grey’s Anatomy, New Girl
Favorite Subject in School
Sociology, forensic science
Favorite Tradition
Christmas dinner

About Mark

Bachelor’s in Computer Science
Favorite Hobby
Reading, bike riding
Favorite Sport
Golf, kickball
Favorite TV Show
Ted Lasso
Favorite Subject in School
Sociology, forensic science
Favorite Tradition
Christmas Eve Santa visit

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